Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Acorn Squash Pesto Fingers

We got three acorn squash from the CSA this week. Here's how I made use of one of them. I'm throwing this into my Thanksgiving dinner recipe arsenal. If you get these from a farm, be sure to not only rinse them off, but use a vegetable scrubber to get in the ribs as dirt tends to build up there.  While minerals are an important part of dietary health, I don't recommend eating them as the ideal method of intake. Either way, rinse these well!

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Slice acorn squash as shown below.  Be careful and use a sharp knife, the rind can be tough. Coast both sides with olive oil and S&P.

Photo By Mozarts Nose

Roast for about an hour, turning half way through. Then serve with your favorite pesto, store or home-made.

Photo By Mozart's Nose

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